Are you involved in a true Multi Level Marketing company?
Do you struggle to get people to join you or even buy
your products? Do you always think, Why do I attract ‘broke’
To be honest upfront, you need to have an incentive program
in place so it can be a feeder for any business that you
promote. I use two programs that I use to bring recruits in.
One company that I’ve been a member with since 1990 and have
never mentioned it online ever and use incentives to build
a massive client base of 22,000 members all at zero cost.
Your primary needs to be free or an trial offer. It should
require the prospect to add additional details, for instance
a phone number, best time to call, how much time they have,
are they motivated and so on.
First thing, get the prospect to join. Then contact them
directly. No messenger, no distractions, no chat bot.
Explain how your program works, comp plan, how they get paid.
Once you have them committed, offer them your incentive!
This will change how they become the new business owner.
How motivated and committed they will be, because they will
have a simple plan to recruit others into their team. Making
the profits bigger for both you and your new prospect.
Never use company websites, landing pages, advertising. You
must use your own tools in all promotions. You need full
control of your prospect, not the company. You need to brand
YOU, not the company. Build a true relationship with your
new prospect and you will have a true friend for life!
Until next time
~ Rob Burns