Which web hosting is best for marketing online?
My belief is, as affiliate, network and internet
marketers, we all need our own web host. Why?
You can start off as a free reseller, build your
own web hosting plans and pricing, set domain
pricing and make a commission from every client.
If you do a ton of marketing online and deal with
cpanels, domains, databases, ftp’s and email
clients, this would be the ideal setup.
You can setup a free resellers account here,
and start offering shared web hosting, vps hosting
dedicated server hosting and sell domains. Set
your own pricing and get a free website all setup
ready to take orders.
I started my first store in 2014, and have over
8,000 clients both online and offline. My second
store in 2020 and at the time of this post (4/27)
I have around 1,000 clients.
Until next time
~ Rob Burns